Monday, November 28, 2005

Time keeps on slipping...

Where has the time gone? Lily is now two and a half months old, and is growing in leaps and bounds. She is somewhere around ten pounds now. We will find out on Thursday exactly how much she weighs and how long she is…she has to go in to the doctor that day to get her first shots! Aaron and I aren’t looking forward to that at all. I’m sure if she knew what was going on, she would be not looking forward to it also.

Lily is already learning about the joys of life. She loves to take baths in the bathtub – she paddles her legs and swings her arms as if she’s trying to swim…the funny part is, she actually moves herself around in the water. She will stay in the bathtub as long as she is allowed, and doesn’t seem to mind when the water cools down and her little hands and feet turn purple.

Lily continues to produce constant smiles. She now smiles back at people when they smile at her, and is even beginning to develop a tiny laugh. She also talks, talks, talks all the time. Her favorite word to say is “hug”…she may not know that she’s saying it, but yes, she actually says “hug”. She has also been heard on more than one occasion saying “I’m good”. I know, you think I’m crazy…you’ll just have to hear it for yourself!

Lily’s Uncle Chris is home! Chris completed his Army basic training this past week, and is on an unexpected leave for forty days. He will spend twenty of those days recruiting, and the other twenty are free for him to do whatever he wants. We’re so glad to have him home! Lily’s not sure what to think of this guy who looks a whole lot like her mommy…

Our little family continues to do well. We are finally finding some financial stability, and Aaron and I are nearing the completion of this stage of our education. Aaron’s job is going well, except last week he twisted his ankle…on a potato. His ankle is beginning to heal, but his pride is still a bit sore. He has also developed a fear of spuds.

I promise I won’t let so much time pass between my updates. Time seems to have moved into hyper mode…I guess that’s what happens when you have kids. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Twenty-seven days until Christmas!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

where the crap are the pictures of chrissy :-P sheeeessshhh

2:16 PM  

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