Monday, January 30, 2006

5 Random Facts...

I was tagged a long time ago by Robin Koffarnus, and then again by Jessica Harper, so I am now forced to present 5 random facts about myself. I hope you enjoy these...I spent an entire hour in College Algebra thinking about them.

1. I love art and antiques, and wish I had the money to build up a collection of both.

2. I once washed a pair of pants in a fish bowl.

3. As a child, I was a "model" for my dad's photography business, and was pictured in a number of magazines and misc. publications. I'm one of those child super-stars that dropped off of the face of the planet at the age of 12. (Okay, so I wasn't a star...but I was pretty super).

4. I have always wanted red hair.

5. I have a great amount of admiration for my Grandpa Beaverson and Grandma Lacey, who have very different, yet equally incredible, artistic abilities. It's a dream of mine to decorate my home around their creations.

So there you have it - 5 things about me that you might not have known before. I now tag Aaron McDonald...this is my attempt to get him to update his xanga site.


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