Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Happy Birthday to Lily...

Aaron and I are no longer the parents of an infant…we’re the parents of a toddler! Believe it or not, Lily celebrated her first birthday on Wednesday (Sept. 13)! I can’t believe a year has passed since our little girl was born. As she grows and changes, she continues to bring joy to our life.

Lily is now over 29 inches tall, and weighs 18 pounds. She has 6 teeth, 3 of which arrived this month. She no longer crawls – she’s a walking maniac. Lily is quite fond of animals, food, attention, other kids, and her family. She loves life, and lives it to the fullest.

The McDonald family has had a busy end-of-summer. We took a trip to Ohio in mid-August, where Lily met her 2 great-great grandmothers. I enjoyed introducing Lily to these special women. I was also excited to show Aaron around their homes and farms, where I have many memories.

From Ohio we headed Indiana, where Aaron was a groomsman in a friend’s wedding. We were also able to spend time with Aaron’s family. Aaron’s brother has twin girls, Claire and Elaina, who will be 2 in January. His sister has a son named Coletrane, (who will be 2 in March), and also has a new baby on the way. I’m glad Lily has so many cousins close to her age. It was fun to watch them all play together, and it will be wonderful to watch them grow up together.

We’re continuing work on our house. It’s a slow process at the moment – we ended up having to replace the entire floor (including the supports). My dad and uncle have done most of the work on the floor, and are close to being finished. I’m not sure how I’ll ever repay them for all of the work that they’ve done on this house! As slow as our progress has been, I can see the finish line.

God has truly blessed us – we want to use our blessings to His glory. Please keep our family in your prayers.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see some of those birthday pictures of my sweet lily sticking her fingers in that cake! You are not the only one blessed. Her great Granny is also!!! Love, G.G.

11:28 AM  

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