Sunday, September 11, 2005

No, not yet...

I have been holding off on updating my blog/xanga sites until after the baby came, but she is taking a little longer than expected. I was due Wednesday (Sept. 7), and it is now Sunday (Sept. 11). I have been dilated to two centimeters for quite some time now, and as of my doctor's appointment last Tuesday I was still at two centimeters. At that appointment, Dr. Green told me that if the baby doesn't come out on her own by my next appointment (Tuesday, Sept. 13) they will schedule to induce. So, in less than a week, Baby McDonald will be here! In the words of Aaron, "Holy crap!"

Unable to put it off any longer, Aaron and I traveled to our local Wal*Mart a couple of weeks ago and purchased a crib, which happened to come with a matching changing table and dresser. We promptly took our new baby furniture home, and spent the next three hours setting it up. The baby room is finally starting to look like a baby room! Just in time...

I have come to realize that I somehow failed to mention my little brother's entrance into the army last month. On August 9th, Private First Class Chris Beaverson left for Fort Benning, Georgia, where he soon began his basic training. Basic will last six weeks, and he goes straight from there on to more training. He will be training to be in the Army Special Forces, an elite group of soldiers, to say the least. His total training will last about eighteen months, and he is committed to Army service for the next six years. It has been hard for my family to see him go, and we are ecstatic when we receive a letter or phone call from him. He sends my parents letters quite often, and he even sent his sister and brother-in-law a letter! We did find out recently that Chris gets to come home for Christmas for two weeks, so we're all pretty excited…it will be the first time that he meets his new niece! Please keep Chris in your prayers as he goes through his training.

Please pray for our growing family's financial situation. In order to pay our rent this month, we may be putting ourselves on a strict peanut-butter sandwich and Mac-n-Cheese diet...which doesn't sound so bad right now. Please also pray for our health...Aaron and I have both been sick for the past two weeks, and we've been working hard to get the germs out of our bodies and home before the baby comes. Above all, please pray for the safe arrival of our little girl.
I will do my very best to update my blog/xanga soon after Baby McDonald is born. I'll at least take the time to display a picture or two for all to see! Until then, God bless!

PS Do you remember where you were on September 11, 2001? I will never was my last semester of high school, and I was in honors debate with my good friend, Meghan Walter. We watched with our mouths hanging open as the second plane hit the tower, and as the building collapsed. What a day...


Blogger Annie said...

Weight issue? Ha ha ha...

9:40 PM  

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