Tuesday, June 07, 2005

So Much to Say, So Little Time...

Since school got out in May, Aaron and I have continued to increase in busyness. I spent the past couple of weeks in an intensive course of sociology at the community college here in Moberly. It was Monday through Thursday, from 8am to 2pm, for nine days. It was an extremely demanding class (time wise, work wise, and brain wise), but I can honestly say that I very much enjoyed it. It's the best class that I've taken since Life and Message of Paul with the famous Mr Gareth Reese.

I finished sociology last week, just in time for Aaron and I to start our two summer courses at CCCB on Monday. We’re taking Philosophy of Religion and Early Church History, both of which are based on a subject that I detest – philosophy. As much as I love the professors, the classes are nearly unbearable for a philosophy-despising student. Speaking of unbearable, I also started a Fundamentals of Algebra class at the community college Monday, which I attend every Monday and Wednesday, from 7 to 10pm.

Aaron continues to endure his job as night supervisor at the Moberly Athletic Complex, where he is still being over worked, underpaid, and just isn’t very happy. He has been searching for another place of employment for quite some time, but the only options demand time and sanity that he doesn’t have to give. His true desire is to find a church where he can be youth minister, and be paid enough to support a wife and baby, but nothing of this caliber has come to his attention yet.

In our limited free time, Aaron and I have been preparing our home for the invasion of a little girl. We went crib shopping in Columbia on Saturday, and though we didn’t find a crib, we didn’t come home empty handed – Wal*Mart had a Pooh Pack ‘N Play on sale for $75 dollars, and though it wasn’t the exact one that we wanted, it was cheap enough for our liking. For those of you who are not up to date in the baby furniture department, I will explain to you the purpose of a Pack ‘N Play. A Pack ‘N Play is a play pen with a bassinet (removable), and a diaper changing area (also removable). It is a wonderful invention that no new parent should have to do without. Another invention that has been added to our baby equipment collection recently is a Travel System. My Aunt Tammy found a one that was very much on sale, and she bought it and sent it to us in the mail. I absolutely love getting mail, and this was especially exciting. Again, for those of you who are not up to date, a Travel System is a stroller and infant car seat/carrier all in one…these are also quite wonderful inventions. (Too bad these companies don’t give me anything for my commercials, eh?) Aunt Tammy, I can’t thank you enough!

As far as we know, baby McDonald continues to do very well. We (I use the term “we” loosely, for it is usually me) are now able to feel and see her move quite regularly throughout the day. Her movements are really the only indication we have that she’s doing well…and from the force of some of her movements, I’d say she’s doing very well. My tummy is really starting to stick out now, and people are saying that I finally look pregnant…I don’t know who these people have been looking at for the past few months, but I certainly noticed this lump growing a long time ago. For those of you who have requested pictures of the lumpy me, I am working on it, I promise.

I wrote quite long today, hoping that it would make up for my lack of posting this past month. I will do my best to update more frequently in the months to come. Thank you all for your continued support, whether it is with baby clothes/equipment, encouraging notes, or prayer we appreciate everything that everyone has done to help us.


Blogger NanaJimmy said...

I will be expecting updates from you in the hospital while in labor...hope the hospital has wireless internet...

Tell A-mac he can come and work for me and Brandon, we pay well ;-)

10:41 PM  

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